Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Transfiguration


2019 Year of the priest-martyr Klymentiy Sheptytsky (1869-1951)

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klymentiy sh

The Sheptysky brothers (Roman and Casimir) were born into the aristocratic and polonised family of the Earl Jan and Sophia (née Fredriv) Sheptysky. Roman, at a very young age entered the monastic life, accepting the name Andriy. Soon after he became the great metropolitan of our Church. His brother Casimir chose a secular career, completing a doctorate in Law in 1892. However, his success as a lawyer, politician, and social activist did not satisfy him and in 1912 he too became a monk and accepted the name Klymentiy. As a priest-monk he was a key leader in the growth of Studite monasticism in Ukraine, as the main editor of the order’s statute and, from 1926, as the superior of the Lavra in Univ. During WWII he became a very important assistant for his brother, Metropolitan Andriy. He was secretly named the Exarch for Russia and Siberia and he organized a secret system for saving Jews from Nazi persecution in Galicia. In 1944 he headed the official Church delegation to Moscow for negotiations with the occupying Soviet authorities. He was arrested in 1947 and sentenced to a Siberian camp, but due to poor health he remained in the special prison in Vladimir where he died on May 1, 1951. Klymentiy was buried (without a marker) in a hole dug under the prison walls.

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