
Repentance or Confession is one of the two Holy Mysteries of Healing. In our human weakness and weakened capacity to always choose the good, we sin. In order to make us whole again, Christ offers us His forgiveness in the Holy Mystery of Repentance and Confession.

Lessons from the Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church

“The Holy Mystery of Repentance (or Confession) is a marvelous manifestation of God’s love and mercy towards us sinners. This is because the Lord does not reject us and does not turn away from us when we, having been washed of our sins in Baptism and endowed with divine grace, sin again through malice or weakness. Indeed, the Lord awaits our repentance. He forgives us if we repent and confess our sins” (see Luke 15:12-32). (449)

“In the celebration of the Holy Mystery of Repentance, the Church actualizes the words of the Lord to the apostles: “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (John 20:22-23). Every priest continues the apostolic ministry in the Mystery of Repentance when he absolves the faithful of their sins and reconciles them with the Church. The priest pronounces the prayer of absolution (the loosing from the bondage of sin) and every penitent thereby receives Christ’s forgiveness.” (450)

Repentance or Confessions at Our Parish

In grade two, children receive catechetical instruction for their First Confession and Solemn Holy Communion. From that point on, they may avail themselves of the Holy Mystery of Repentance as frequently as needed, just like adults may.

Confessions are available every Tuesday morning before Liturgy from 9:30am – 10:00am. They may also be heard upon request.

During St. Philip’s Fast (Advent) and during the Great Fast (Lent), our parish invites a visiting priest to hear confessions before the great feasts of Christmas and Pascha.

It is important for anyone who desires to go to confession to properly prepare to receive this Holy Mystery. One method of preparation is an examination of conscience in order to bring to mind the ways you may have fallen and sinned in word, deed, or thought. An examination of conscience can be found below along with the Order of Holy Confession in English and Ukrainian.